

2018年に札幌芸術の森美術館で開催した展覧会「五十嵐威暢の世界」では、この作品を 2,200 x 2,200 x 18 mm の大判の特注合板にシルクスクリーン印刷でカラフルに制作しました。
サイズ:W900 × H900 mm
依頼主:Igarashi Studio

(2018制作作品 合板:ニッタクス、シルクスクリーン印刷:熊沢印刷工芸)

撮影:白鳥美雄、北川陽稔(sprawl Inc.)、佐藤雅英

Animal Illustration


Since I began my design journey, I have enjoyed exploring the concrete world through the use of a ruler and compass. It was around the time of creating this animal illustration that I focused on integer ratios, and subsequently, the quantification of form (geometry) became the cornerstone of my later designs.
In 2018, at the Sapporo Art Park Museum, I held an exhibition titled “The World of Takenobu Igarashi,” where this artwork was specially produced in a large format of 2,200 x 2,200 x 18 mm on plywood through colorful silkscreen printing.
Technique: Silkscreen Printing
Size: W900 × H900 mm
Client: Igarashi Studio

(2018 Production: Plywood by Nittax, Silkscreen printing by Kumazawa Screen Printing Inc.)

Photo: Yoshio Shiratori, Akiyoshi Kitagawa (sprawl Inc.), Masahide Sato



2018年に札幌芸術の森美術館で開催した展覧会「五十嵐威暢の世界」では、この作品を 2,200 x 2,200 x 18 mm の大判の特注合板にシルクスクリーン印刷でカラフルに制作しました。
サイズ:W900 × H900 mm
依頼主:Igarashi Studio

(2018制作作品 合板:ニッタクス、シルクスクリーン印刷:熊沢印刷工芸)

撮影:白鳥美雄、北川陽稔(sprawl Inc.)、佐藤雅英

Animal Illustration


Since I began my design journey, I have enjoyed exploring the concrete world through the use of a ruler and compass. It was around the time of creating this animal illustration that I focused on integer ratios, and subsequently, the quantification of form (geometry) became the cornerstone of my later designs.
In 2018, at the Sapporo Art Park Museum, I held an exhibition titled “The World of Takenobu Igarashi,” where this artwork was specially produced in a large format of 2,200 x 2,200 x 18 mm on plywood through colorful silkscreen printing.
Technique: Silkscreen Printing
Size: W900 × H900 mm
Client: Igarashi Studio

(2018 Production: Plywood by Nittax, Silkscreen printing by Kumazawa Screen Printing Inc.)

Photo: Yoshio Shiratori, Akiyoshi Kitagawa (sprawl Inc.), Masahide Sato

Animal Illustration | Takenobu Igarashi

Animal Illustration | Takenobu Igarashi

Animal Illustration | Takenobu Igarashi