


ニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA)のポスターカレンダーのためにデザインした数字は合計4356個でした。 1年365日、数字の数としては622文字。これを1984~1991年の7年間、毎月異なるアイデアの立体数字をアクソイノメトリック図法で描きました。世の中にコンピューターが普及する前でしたので、一部を除いて、ほとんどの下書きは烏口を使った手作業でした。

For the poster calendar of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, I designed a total of 4,356 digits. With 365 days in a year, this amounted to 622 characters of numbers. Over a period of seven years from 1984 to 1991, I drew different ideas for three-dimensional numbers each month using axonometric projection. This was before computers became widespread, so except for some parts, most of the sketches were done manually using a ruling pen.



In the exhibition “The World of Takenobu Igarashi” held at the Sapporo Art Park Museum in 2018, a video was presented featuring the digit “2” from the MoMA poster calendar.
Enjoy the variations of the “2” ideas drawn on 5mm grid paper.